Monday, December 28, 2009

Looking forward to 2010!

Haven't posted for a while so I thought I would throw something up real quick! My class starts tomorrow morning! Looking forward to it! Last night I made the final touches on my presentation and I think its going to rock! I have 8 gals signed up, and I know most of them, thank you friends! I really hope I can take these ladies to the next level with their photography. I know for me, I spent years trying to learn from books, websites, trial and error, but it wasn't until I took a specific class that was HANDS ON that I really figured it all out!
Christmas was fantastic! The kids had a blast and got lots of great stuff. I got some excellent stuff from my wonderful husband too! I am now rockin' a new iphone, fancy camera bag, and have a new washer and dryer to do the millions of loads of laundry this family creates! It was good times!
On to the new year! Hopefully my new website will be ready in time for the new year. They guys from Finn Media are great and created me something that was more my style "nothing too fluffy" as I like to put it. They are just putting the final touches on it. Along with that, I have a new blog site for my photography. Check it out, leave a comment.
I look forward to 2010! The kids are getting older (translation-things get easier for mama and I get a little more freedom!). I can't believe I will be signing up Dane for kindergarten in March or April, and he will be starting basketball this month! Oh how my baby has grown up so quickly! My business is growing, so I look forward to what it brings me! Anyway, I need to get back to fine tuning a few more things for the class tomorrow (what to wear)!

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