Sunday, September 20, 2009

You ever have one of those crazy days.....

You know, the days where you have a million things to do but not sure how I will get them all done?? Today is one of those days. Somehow I am suppose to be in about 3 different places at the same time. Fortunately for me, I like these kinds of days. Most of the time. I work well under pressure. I seem to get more done that way. If I only have one thing to do for the day, more than likely, I will put it off until I have about 5 things to do. Today I have to help at church, go to my husbands work party, take one kid to a birthday party, find birthday present, pick up kid, take pictures for friends, edit pictures. I guess that doesn't sound like to much. Its just time and logistics of the whole thing that is making it a little difficult. And of course finding time to get a present before 3 while I am suppose to be partying. I am not complaining by any means, just thinking it out loud on computer. I also have had the pleasure of watching my most adorable niece yesterday and she spent the night, so I spent the better part of the night waking up to see if she was OK. Of course she was, she slept the whole night through, still sleeping as I write. I am sure we wore her out with all our activities. Well, off to get ready for the day!
"The question isnt who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." Ayn Rand


the story of my life... said...

I have them days everyday!! Miss you!! and your Niece is CUTE!

Kate said...

How fun to have your niece there! I bet the kids loved it.

And you know I relate to the busy days...we work better that way. :) Hope you have a great one and it all goes smoothly!