Thursday, April 30, 2009

What a beautiful day!

Today was so beautiful out! I figured since I had nothing to do today, but pick up the kids from school, that it was a perfect opportunity to go on a little adventure with Dane and take some landscape pictures. We packed a lunch and some camera's and headed for Larrabee State Park. After an hour drive we finally arrived to find it was closed for paving! ARGH! So we headed for the more crowed Boulevard Park. It wasn't too bad though and Dane and I took a nice long walk from the park to the end of the boardwalk. He had a good time and it was very relaxing for me. Its nice to get out of our little town for a while and be in a different city, even if its only 20 minutes away. Different scenery, different people, I can just relax. And of course the sunshine makes everything better for me! Here are some pics of the day...

1 comment:

Kate said...

It was gorgeous wasn't it? Today's supposed to be even nicer. :) Then? Back to rain.